Sunday, November 18, 2012

Diwali fireworks rant

Soapbox hour:

 Given the packaging in which Indian fireworks are boxed, it was hardly surprising to see children as young as 5 or 6 playing with firecrackers and worse alone in the streets around our house at Diwali time.
From the look of these packets, seems it's probably OK to give sparklers to babies - and we suspect that the Barbie doll is going to come to a sticky, blackened end somewhere along the line.
Awww sweet or what! Definitely appealing to the under fives, this box....
At least “The number of children employed in these factories has come down drastically. Today, the number would be around 3,000 children, mostly in the 14-17 year age bracket.” A state government survey had put the number at more than 30,000 in the mid-1990s"

Well self-righteous rant over, but some problems seem easier to fix than others....

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